
Did you know you can change your contribution rate at any time via Prosper?


All you need to know about Contributions and the MMC UK Pension Fund can be found here.

Table of Contribution Rates

You can make regular contributions to the MMC UK Pension Fund, which are matched by the Company as follows:

Member contribution

(% of Pensionable Salary)

Company contribution

(% of Pensionable Salary)

Total contribution

(% of Pensionable Salary)

2.5%* 6.5% 9%
3% 9% 12%
4% or more 12% 16%

*The default contribution for members who do not elect a higher contribution rate.

You can contribute more than 4% of Pensionable Salary; however the Company match will not be more than 12%.

You can review and make changes to your contribution rate via Prosper.

There are tax advantages of making pension contributions to the Fund please read more here.
