Pension Journey Profiles

MMC UK Pension Journey Profiles

View our three example profiles.

Sam: just started on their DC saving journey

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Sam’s Journey

Sam has just joined the MMC UK Pension Fund. Whilst they have many years until retirement, Sam needs to make a few immediate decisions, such as:

  • The level of contributions they want to pay;
  • Whether to invest in the default or make their own investment choices; and
  • Who gets their benefits if something happens to them.

MMC Welcome to the Fund

Advantages of the Fund for Sam:

  • Sam can get the maximum Company contribution match of 12% if they contribute at least 4% of their pensionable salary, allowing Sam to save more towards their retirement. Pension contributions are paid out of salary before income tax is applied (up to a certain amount set by the Government, currently £60,000 unless you are a high earner – details can be found on the Government website).

    Sam can change their contribution level through Prosper between the 1st and the 20th of each month.
  • Paying via Salary Exchange (also known as salary sacrifice) means more savings as Sam will not pay National Insurance (NI) on their pension contributions.

As an example, a £100 pension contribution would only cost £72* representing a 39% increase at no extra cost.

Sam can find further details on the tax advantages and Salary Exchange on pages 5 and 19 of the Fund guide. Further information can also be viewed on the tax advantages and limits in the guides on the contribution page on the Fund website.

  • Sam can investigate, choose, and change their investment options whenever they want. They can find more information on investment options on the Fund website.
  • The Fund has a default investment strategy that their contributions are invested in if they do not want to make an active decision to invest differently.

    *Based on a basic rate taxpayer in England, Northern Ireland and Wales for the 2024/25 tax year using Salary Exchange.

Are you in a similar position to Sam? If yes...

Actions for now:

  • Don’t lose out on more money from your employer! Contributing 4% or more means your employer will contribute 12% of your pensionable salary (this is almost double the contribution that your employer would pay on the lowest contribution tier).

The Fund can help you save more than you might think...

This example is based on a £30,000 base salary:

Your contribution 2.5% 3% 4%
Employer contribution 6.5% 9% 12%
Cost to you per month* £45 £54 £72
Total paid into your pension account per month £225 £300 £400

*Assumed basic rate taxpayer in England, Northern Ireland and Wales for the 2024/25 tax year using Salary Exchange.

You can increase your pension contribution through Prosper between the 1st and the 20th of each month. The change will be effective from the following month’s pay.

  • Think about where you want your pension account to be invested.

    If you do nothing, your pension contributions will remain invested in the default strategy, the Target Drawdown Retirement Path. The default strategy is intended to be broadly suitable for most members. However, there are a variety of different investment options available to suit your needs and preferences if you prefer to choose your own.
  • Complete your Expression of Wish form on OneView so that the Trustee knows who you would like to receive your benefits in the event of your death.

    If you are an employed member, you can access OneView via My Quick Links on Colleague Connect. This is a Single Sign On link, so if you are on the MMC network, you won't need your access details.

Actions for later:

  • You could consider increasing your pension contributions gradually over time to boost your retirement savings. This way, you will only see a small change to your take home pay, but your pension account will benefit.

    Watch this video about saving enough for retirement to help you consider what you could do to maximise your retirement savings.
  • Make use of the retirement illustrator on OneView to see how changing the level of your contributions and the age you take your benefits could affect your income when you retire.
  • Think about what kind of retirement you want to have. Saving slightly more now could be the difference in retirement of holidaying one week in the UK compared to going on two holidays abroad. More information can be found in the Fund Flyer PLSA Retirement Living Standards.
  • Regularly review how your pension account is invested and consider whether this remains right for you.

Further details on the investments available can be found in the investment guide. Find out more about what kind of investor you are by completing the Investor Questionnaire.

Anu: 25 years from retirement

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Anu’s Journey

Anu has worked for MMC for a number of years. They contribute 3% of their pensionable salary and receive a Company matching contribution of 9% (3% below the maximum Company contribution of 12%). In addition to their current pension savings, Anu also has a few pension pots from previous employers.

Their financial security now and in the future has become more of a priority, but Anu hasn’t really paid much attention to their pension savings up until now.

Whilst Anu is still some way from retirement, there are actions they can take now to improve their benefits at retirement. For example, consider:

  • How much they are contributing;
  • Where their contributions are invested; and
  • How those investments are expected to perform over the long term.

Summary of Investment Choices

Advantages of the Fund for Anu:

  • The Fund allows Anu to consolidate Defined Contribution benefits from previous employers into their Fund pension account. This may make it easier to track performance, charges and their total projected retirement income.
  • Anu could receive the maximum Company contribution of 12% if they increase their pension contribution by just 1% (that’s a combined increase of 4%), allowing Anu to save more towards their retirement.

    Anu is able to change their contribution through Prosper between the 1st and the 20th of each month.
  • Paying via Salary Exchange (also known as salary sacrifice) means more savings as Anu will not pay National Insurance (NI) or income tax on their pension contributions.
  • The Fund offers the option of Bonus Sacrifice – another way Anu can save more for retirement in an NI and income tax efficient way.
  • They can review further information on the tax advantages and limits in the guides on the contribution page on the Fund website.
  • There are tools and educational material on the Fund website and on OneView to enable Anu to plan for their retirement, specifically the retirement illustrator on OneView.
  • Being a member of the Fund allows Anu to investigate, choose and change their investment options as and when they want. They can find more information on investment options on the Fund website.
  • Anu’s contributions are invested in the Fund’s default investment strategy unless they want to make an active decision to invest differently from the options available.

Are you in a similar position to Anu? If yes...

Actions for now:

  • Consider increasing your pension contributions above 4% to really impact your pension savings.

The Fund can help you save more than you might think...

This example is based on a £40,000 base salary:

Your contribution 2.5% 3% 4% 10%
Employer contribution 6.5% 9% 12% 12%
Cost to you per month* £60 £72 £96 £240
Total paid into your pension account per month £300 £400 £533 £733

*Assumed basic rate taxpayer in England, Northern Ireland and Wales for the 2024/25 tax year using Salary Exchange.

You can increase your pension contribution through Prosper between the 1st and the 20th of each month. The change will be effective from the following month’s pay.

  • Think about where your pension account is invested. If you haven’t self-selected alternative investment options, you will remain invested in the default strategy, the Target Drawdown Retirement Path.

    The default strategy is intended to be broadly suitable for most members. However, there are a variety of different investment options available to suit your needs and preferences if you prefer to choose your own.
  • Is your Expression of Wish form up to date? This is really quick to do on OneView. Make sure your pension savings go to the right people/places in the event of your death.

    If you are an employed member, you can access OneView via My Quick Links on Colleague Connect. This is a Single Sign On link, so if you are on the MMC network, you won't need your access details.

    MoneySavingExpert has some helpful information about expressing your wishes for your pension.

Actions for later:

  • Think about what kind of retirement you want to have. Saving slightly more now could be the difference in retirement of holidaying in the UK compared to going on holidays abroad.

    More information can be found in the Fund flyer PLSA Retirement Living Standards.
  • You could use Bonus Sacrifice to boost your retirement savings further, but keep in mind the Annual Allowance.

    If you are a basic rate taxpayer, each £1,000 of bonus sacrificed only costs you £720* in terms of the impact on your net pay, which is equivalent to a 39% increase in contributions!

    *Assumed basic rate taxpayer in England, Northern Ireland and Wales for the 2024/25 tax year.

  • Check out the Retirement Illustrator tool on OneView to model how changing your contributions or the age you plan to retire could affect your income in retirement.
  • Take time to understand your investments and regularly consider whether they continue to be right for you. Have you checked on how your investments are performing over the long term? Make sure the investment objectives and level of risk suits your individual risk appetite.
  • Consider your current and potential outgoings as well as the help available. Go to the Government Mid Life MOT for tools to learn more.

Charlie: 8 years from retirement

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Charlie’s Journey

Whilst Charlie has a few years before their 65th birthday, they may retire sooner and starting to think about whether their total pension savings will be enough. Charlie is paying via Salary Exchange (also known as salary sacrifice) and is currently contributing 4% of their pensionable salary to make the most of the maximum Company contribution of 12%.

Charlie wants to make sure they have saved as much as possible to ensure the comfortable retirement they desire, at the time of their choosing and minimising any tax they have to pay.

They have never made any investment decisions about their pension pots and have just received a letter telling them that their investments are automatically “de-risking” in the default lifestyle strategy targeting income drawdown and pointing them towards the Pension Decision Service.

Pension Decision Service

Advantages of the Fund for Charlie:

  • All Fund members have access to the Pension Decision Service. This is a free service that can help Charlie understand their options at retirement and further explain the letter they have received about the “de-risking” of their investments.
  • The Fund allows Charlie to consolidate Defined Contribution benefits from previous employers into their Fund pension account. This may make it easier to track performance, charges and their total projected retirement income.
  • Charlie is already making the most of the maximum Company contribution of 12%, but can choose to pay more than 4% to increase their pension savings. They can do this through Prosper between the 1st and the 20th of each month.
  • Paying via Salary Exchange means more savings as Charlie will not pay National Insurance (NI) or income tax on their pension contribution.
  • Charlie can further boost their savings through Bonus Sacrifice which is also NI and income tax efficient.
  • They can review further information on the tax advantages and limits in the guides on the contribution page on the Fund website.
  • They can make changes to their investments to a pre-designed strategy to suit how and when they wish to take their benefits in retirement, or if they are more confident, they can choose their own funds from those available.
  • Charlie can find more details on their options at retirement on the Fund Website.

Are you in a similar position to Charlie? If yes...

Actions for now:

  • Check the target retirement date recorded for you is correct and realistic. Any pre-designed investment strategies use this age to determine your investments in the run up to retirement.
  • Make use of the matching Company contribution scale if you are not already. If you pay in 4% or more, the Company will pay 12% of your pensionable salary.
  • Consider using Bonus Sacrifice to boost your retirement savings further, but keep in mind the Annual Allowance.

    If you are a higher rate taxpayer, each £1,000 of bonus sacrificed only actually costs you £580*, which is a 72% increase in your contributions!

    *Based on a higher rate taxpayer in England, Northern Ireland and Wales for the 2024/25 tax year using Salary Exchange.

  • Check out the Retirement Illustrator tool on OneView to model how changing your contributions or age could affect your potential income at retirement.

    If you are an employed member, you can access OneView via My Quick Links on Colleague Connect. This is a Single Sign On link, so if you are on the MMC network, you won't need your access details.
  • Think about what kind of retirement you want to have and if you have enough to make this a reality. More information can be found in the PLSA Retirement Living Standards.
  • Do you know how you want to take your benefits at retirement? Review the lifestyle and self-select options here and make sure your investments are appropriate for your circumstances.

Actions for later:

  • Get to know your projected retirement income. You can do this by requesting retirement projections from your other pension arrangements, looking at your Fund benefit statement on OneView, finding any lost pensions and investigating your State Pension online to find out:
    • When you can apply for your State pension;
    • How much your State pension will be; and
    • If you have any missing years of NI contributions and, if so the options available to make up any shortfalls.
  • Find out about your access options for any Fund Defined Contribution or Defined Benefit pensions by taking a look at "It's your money: It's your choice"
  • Start budgeting for retirement - are you looking forward to any big events or helping out family members?
  • Consider how long your money needs to last for. The Office of National Statistics has calculated that the average UK life expectancy of:
    • a female currently aged 58 has a life expectancy of 87 years of age (with a 1 in 4 chance of reaching age 94).
    • a male currently aged 58 has a life expectancy of 84 years of age (with a 1 in 4 chance of reaching age 92).
  • Have you updated your Fund Expression of Wish form to ensure your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your death? You should also consider updating your will. Your employer has a will writing service available on Prosper.
  • There is also free support available from:

    Pensions Wise
    Citizens Advice Bureau
    State Pension Forecaster
    Your Money - Midlife MOT (